Going through a divorce can be a challenging and emotional time for anyone. It is essential to have a clear understanding of the divorce process to protect your rights and make informed decisions. In South Africa, the divorce process involves several steps, from filing the summons to the final judgment. As such it is always better to get professional help for a decision that may effect the rest of your life.
ARE YOU READY TO DIOVRCEDeciding to end a marriage is a significant and often difficult decision. There are several signs that indicate you may be ready to consider a divorce. These signs include:
Long Does a Divorce Take in South Africa?
An uncontested divorce can be finalised within 3 to 6 weeks, depending on how cooperative the parties are and their willingness to settle. An additional factor is the speed of the sheriff to serve documents.
A contested divorce can take anywhere from a three months to a few years to finalise, depending on the conduct of the parties and the issues the parties are fighting over. What is the Fastest way to get a Divorce?
An uncontested divorce is the quickest and most cost-effective way to get divorced. In an uncontested divorce, either one spouse will simply not defend the divorce summons or settlement agreement is signed. There is no back and forth fighting which takes time.
How much does a Divorce Cost?
The cost of a divorce depends on various factors, such as whether the divorce is contested or uncontested. An uncontested divorce is far less costly than a contested divorce. Simply because it takes less time and hours of work on the divorce. We charge an all-inclusive fee for uncontested divorces.
The main factor that will determine the cost is time that an attorney will spend your divorce. A divorce that is complex involving disputes of custody over children, maintenance and dealing with a large estate will be more costly then if the parties have only one issue in dispute. . Attorneys’ fees are time-based, so the cost of the divorce is usually dependent on the amount of time the attorney spends trying to finalise the divorce. For contested divorces it is impossible for a divorce attorney to accurately tell you what the cost of your divorce will be. Divorce lawyers are unfortunately not fortune tellers and will not know exactly what will happen during the divorce, the duration of the divorce or extent of the disputes between the parties will be. I waNt A divorce Where do i start?
If you are considering divorce, we strongly recommend that you start by seeking professional legal advice.
Start by setting up a consultation with an experienced divorce attorney! A divorce lawyer will be able to give you good overview of the process is, potential costs, and most importantly advise you on your rights and what you are entitled to. Should you wish to commence with a divorce feel free to contact us for reliable and professional advise. We are here to help you. I am not Sure if the divorce will be contested or not, what do i do?
It is ok if you are not sure. An experienced divorce attorney will be able to assist you to ascertain if the divorce will be uncontested. A divorce attorney may even write a letter or contact your spouse to determine if the divorce may be mediated and determine if the divorce may be settled.
Divorce mediation is when you and your spouse meet with a trained mediator to discuss and resolve the issues in your divorce.
A mediator can help you reach agreement on the issues you and your spouse need to resolve in order to finalise your divorce successfully in order that it does not become contested. Examples of the issues that mediation can resolve are primary care of the children ( "child custody"), child maintenance and property division. Can an attorney act as a mediator? The short answer is yes. When an attorney assists in a mediation session he or she is bound by ethical rules and as such acts impartially and can offer legal guidance in the principles of Divorce Law to assist both parties. The divorce attorney can facilitators to help both spouses figure out what's best for their situation. In addition, the divorce attorney can assist with formulating a sound divorce settlement agreement. CAN I PAY ATTORNEY FEES MONTHLY?
At Tim van Rooyen we can tailor a payment structure that is affordable to you. No one should not be able to afford sound professional divorce advice, as such we will go out of our way to structure monthly payment to suit your budget. |
Choosing the Right Divorce Attorney
Selecting the right divorce attorney is crucial to ensure that your rights are protected and your interests are advocated for. When choosing a divorce attorney - consider the following factors:
Should you wish to hire an attorney who meets all this requirements please call or email us now |